Ltd “Servocontrol”
Registration number: 40003749617
Vat registration number: LV40003749617
Legal address: Katrīnas dambis 21-2, Rīga, LV-1045
Office address: Slokas 52 lit. 5, Rīga, LV-1007
Phone: +371 67377552; Fax: +371 67377553
E-mail info@servocontrol.lv; www.servocontrol.lv
Bank: A/S Swedbank
Code: HABALV22
Account: LV32HABA0551010098111
Authority to sign:
Member of the Board Juris Svirins (on the basis of statutes)
Mobile phone: +371 265374665; E-mail: juris@servocontrol.lv